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Rachael is the creatrix of the Elemental Birth Rites course journey and has been nurturing and caring for the seeds of this project since 2019.  Having come to midwifery with a background in Alternative Healing through her study of massage therapy, sound healing, herbal medicine, and many other modalities, she always felt a deep call to fuse these passions. 


After she graduated midwifery school and got certified as a professional midwife in 2015, she began caring for clients and providing homebirth in the rural mountains of Colorado.  She witnessed many homebirth scenarios where women were left traumatized or let down by how their birth stories transpired.  She felt a powerful need to honor the holistic experience of birth by addressing issues beyond the physical reality that had shown to play out and contribute to challenging births. 




She created a synthesis based on her personal study of ancestral healing, transpersonal psychology, and earth based spirituality,  that became the basis of the Elemental Birth Rites course journey.  She is so excited to have a space to share her passion for shadow work, personal transformation, and her deep reverence for the sacredness of birth and life. 


Rachael devotes to the art of birth keeping in her practice, Elemental Midwifery, located in rural Maine where she takes each of her clients through the Elemental Birth Rites journey.​​​

Rachael, xxx


I'm Rachael

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Meet The Team

Birth Rites








Why us?

Elemental Birth Rites started as a team of three super inspired midwives who are reimagining the art of midwifery.


Over the last 4 years our team has grown to include 2 other amazing medicine women who joined our team after going through our practitioner training for 2 years and wanted to continue to work with us.


​We offer one on one and self guided movement through an experience based course that hopes to inspire and awaken self awareness for parents to be to truly arrive at their birthing ceremony resourced and feeling ready.

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let's work


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